Here are some important questions from Sunday School on August 15, 2010. Think about the questions and how they apply to your life and your need to know God.
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-12
Purpose: To understand two implications for life when we feed the need to know God - knowing God offers a living hope (vv.3-6) and knowing God develops a genuine faith (vv. 7-12).
What you feed in your life is what takes over as a driving value and priority. We are called to:
a. Feed the need to know God (1 Peter 1:3-12)
b. Feed the need to grow together (1 Peter 1:22-2:3)
c. Feed the need to go (& make a difference) (1 Peter 2:4-12).
What in life can wake us up to our need to know God on a personal, growing basis?
Like the seeds from an ancient Persian story, life at times feels as if it buries us. But in truth what feels like being buried or overwhelmed is an opportunity for a living hope (vv. 3-6) and a genuine faith (7-12) to take root and produce new life. This new life arises despite challenging circumstances when we feed the need to know God.
In what specific ways can genuine hope in Christ empower you to respond differently when circumstances become difficult?
Our hope in Christ will not only give us an eternal perspective on life, but it will give us super-natural protection in life.
Has there been a time in your life where you experienced God's protection? If so, how would you describe that experience?
God brings this "living hope" to life through trials we experience and through the efforts of other believers.
Imagine that you are going through a difficult circumstance that you did not invite into your life: What kind of perspective and attitudes would you need to have in order for God to bring good out of your trial?
God can develop a genuine faith not only through trials, but also through the efforts of other believers.
Are you feeding the need to know God?
a. through a persistent effort to understand His Word
b. through consistent prayer conversation with God
c. through community with other believers
d. through day-to-day faith responses in life
e. remember: What you feed in your life is what grows.